Thursday, November 12, 2009

Photograph Manipulation

I personally named this picture the paradigm of suppression. This powerful imagime portrays the cultivation of violence in the mind of children due to their ubiquitous interaction with agression and supression. The picture, according to the source, was taken at a "favela" (potuguese for slum) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Favelas are associated with crime, poverty and asssorted illegal activities. I chose this picture because it reflects one of the most controversial social and moral problems of society.
Although the manipulation was simple and limited, all changes were done with the purpose of enhancing the theme of disharmony. The brightness of the picture was increased to 150%. The input levels were increased to obtain a higher contrast between dark and light. The exposure and the saturation fo the colors were increased to drag it from normality. Moreover i increased the eye shadows for both the victim kid and the kid to the left of him. In the original photo the victim kid is looking straight at the camera which in my opinion takes away credibility.
As i final tough i modified the upper-corner to the left which had a different texture that the overall background and simply patched a regular part of the background.

My modification was not harmful at all. I simply wanted to highlight the themes of absurdism and disharmony and therefore changed the saturationa and contrast to make the colors be more flashy.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Power Point Presentation

The overarching purpose of the power point presentation assigment was to effectively incorporate information through different visual techniques and manage in a matter of four slides to expose a topic of interest. Few people were able to succesfuly accomplish this task while having a good overall presentation to the public.
Elle Cook gave a brief yet concrete presentation about the possible extintion of bees. Her presentation overall was simple yet extremely elegant. She had powerful pictures and her presentation overall was perfectly organized. The presentation was not only instructive but it was compelling.
Jessica in the othe hand had a stronger verbal presentation, but nonetheless her visuals were precise and her presentation was simple yet attractive. She used one image as a template to explain multiple concepts which was creative.
Both did excelent and exceled in different ways.